What If You Are a Horse In Human Form?
by Jason the Horse

Central to the belief of many, if not all, spiritual faiths upon this world is the idea that we have a soul and that this soul may transcend our earthly body and live beyond it, taking on a different incarnation or moving into a different plane of existence altogether. If, as I do, you share such beliefs, then it is obvious that this might not be our first walk upon the Earth, and that it is quite possible we have trodden the Earth, not as human beings, but as other creatures.

Usually, we have no clear memory of past lives, as if some protective mechanism recognises that an incarnation usually achieves optimum success if it isn't distracted by memories of being something else. This isn't always the case though, and sometimes memories "break through". We have moments of inexplicable familiarity with things we haven't experienced. This has been suggested as an explanation for déjà vu.

I am not a horse born into human form, but I believe such people exist, and indeed have spoken (or at least e-mailed!) with several. For obvious reasons, they often gravitate towards sites like this one.

Jason the Horse is such a person, and through shamanic practice, has made a journey of discovery, learning who and importantly what he both was and is, and has written this excellent book that tells that story. In so doing, he easily conveys what it is to discover that being human isn't your natural form, and how the situation may be explored. He cites several invaluable references and details the shamanic teachings that enabled him to discover who he truly is. This extraordinarily brave book is easy to read, fascinating, and extremely informative. It is designed to be an assurance both for those who suspect they might once have trod the ground on four hooves and for those close to such people who seek to understand. And perhaps most importantly, it's for those who feel that they should be a horse now and for some unknown reason are not.

What If You Are a Horse In Human Form is available for US$7 (+p&p) from www.lulu.com. It is available for international post. As a print-on-demand publication, please allow production time of two or three weeks. It may also be purchased as a downloadable e-book, or, narrated by broadcaster W.B.Ward, two audio cds. As an added incentive, all profits are being donated to the Northcote Heavy Horse Centre. I really urge you to buy a copy.
