If you 'd like to give being a horse on Second Life a try, then first you'll need to visit www.secondlife.com and follow instructions. This will involve creating a free online account, choosing an online name (this is a unique and unalterable identity so choose with care! You'll choose your own first name, and then one of twenty-or-so surnames that SL offers you) and your avatar's starting appearance, which initially will be human.
Fire up the client program and enter the world. Take the time to learn at least the basics as a human before you go further. Use the facilities at Orientation Island. Learn how to move; learn how to use your inventory; and learn the very basics of building if you can - some mods install themselves, but some don't. Don't be afraid to ask for help, but always respect what other avatars are doing and don't interrupt if they are building or otherwise busy. There are rules of ettiquette to ensure we respect each other. Violate them and you may find your access restricted or suspended! Don't worry though: in three years of use, I haven't even come close to violating them, or wanting to. There are books about SL which can ease the learning curve: try Amazon.
If you want to purchase other people's creations, you'll need to purchase some Linden dollars (Lindens or L$) with a credit card. A one off purchase of just over US$20 (that's L$5000!) should cover you for all the avatar gear you'll need: body, custom mane and tail, colour, and optional extras. Hoof It's basic equine avatar is L$1500 at the tie of writing.
Visit Xstreet, the online shopping experience for Second Life. If you want the Hoof It model I mentioned, search for !HI!, otherwise just browse until you find something to your fancy. Read the purchase instructions: you may have to transfer a reserve of L$ in XStreet before purchase - this is done in-world, from an XStreet vending machine.
READ THE BOX. Follow the provided instructions carefully. You'll be guided through a process where you open your package; move the contents into your SL inventory; wear your new avatar! Add modifications (some of these may require some tinkering but the results are worth it).